Resultados: 6

Ensino remoto emergencial na pós-graduação stricto sensu durante a pandemia da covid-19: estudo de reflexão*

Rev. enferm. UFSM; 13 (), 2023
Objetivo: refletir sobre o ensino remoto, utilizado na pandemia da covid-19, na pós-graduação stricto sensu no contexto da universidade. Método: estudo de reflexão, apoiado em levantamento bibliográfico que permitiu o reconhecimento do predomínio do enfoque técnico, analisado à luz de autores cu...

¡De repente, profesor! Caminos que recorren los enfermeros en busca de formación docente

ABSTRACT Objective: to know the paths taken by the nurse-teachers of the Nursing technical course in search of their training for the teaching career. Method: a qualitative and cross-sectional research study, carried out with nurses who teach at the Nursing technical course of a Technical School of t...

Problematization methodology in primary healthcare teaching

Rev. bras. enferm; 71 (supl.4), 2018
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the contribution of the problematization methodology in primary healthcare teaching in a nursing undergraduate course. Method: Documentary, descriptive and qualitative study, carried out with undergraduate students from the Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing at the Unive...

Pain and the challenge of interdisciplinarity in child care

Rev. latinoam. enferm; 16 (3), 2008
In the light of the multiple dimensions involving the phenomenon of pain in children and adolescents with cancer, this study aimed to present a reflection on interdisciplinary practice as a healthcare resource for these patients. The study focused on the aspects related to the need for this practice in t...